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tlug: Re: Need info. about Japanese and Linux (OFF TOPIC!)

>>>>> "Uchida" == Uchida Masatomo <> writes:

    Uchida> Fredric wrote:
    >> There are two questions that are important to us: do You need a
    >> GUI to sell machines? and does a GUI make any sense from the
    >> operator point of view?

    Uchida>  I don't often use Linux console. Is it possible to show
    Uchida> 'Trobule' in big red letters in your Console? Does console
    Uchida> indicate where the trouble exists using some diagrams?

Yes and yes.  The Linux console is more than a TTY after all.  That's
why kon works at all.  :-)

    Uchida> Generally speaking to add such functions, using X-window
    Uchida> system is far easy than to stick to console.

That depends on how complex you want to get.  It's very easy to make a
nice bitmap that can be displayed by a tool using SVGAlib while your
GUI is out to lunch; that's what Windoze does in its startup sequence,
after all.  And editing a bitmap that contains a map of the shop floor
to have an arrow pointing to the trouble and displaying it with the
same tool isn't hard.  Even Xerox machines do that nowadays....

What X windows does is allow window management functions to be done
easily and consistently, that's _really_ what GUI is about.  Not the

If you only need one bitmap at a time, and it can take up the whole
screen, X is extra complexity.

Not to say that you can't profitably use the complexity of X, of
course you (and Frederic, too, for that matter) can.  But if he's not
already using it, I don't see why he _needs_ it.

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