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tlug: Cable modem internet providers


	I just found out that Tokyu Cable is providing internet access
via the cable TV ( ). They provide 14.3mb to
their distribution center, and then 6mb to iij. 

It sounds like a fair bit of bandwidth, but then they don't say how
many users will be on one cable. Also, I would think that the 6mb to
iij could be used up pretty quick.

I called them up to find out if I could get a fixed IP, but they said
no. They are planing to offer that in 6 months to a year.

The monthly fees seem quite reasonable. 5200 yen a month. Just a tad
more than I pay for my wife's email/web account on twics. So it seems
that I could just about setup my mail server, web etc.

The dynamic IP makes this a bit difficult though. I think it would
still by possible though, by going though the Dynamic DNS project 

Reading their news though, it does not sound too stable.

Does anyone know of other providers that might have include Meguro-ku
in their service area?

I suppose I could make the dynamic IP more or less static by just
running ping -s against their name server. :)




	This all started because one of the guys at work told me he a
had just signed up for 512k cable line. I started salivating
involuntarily, and was on the phone to them in about half and nano
second. Unfortunately, they only service a small area in Chiba. See:

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