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Re: tlug: new japanese linux consortium

On Wed, 6 Jan 1999, Tague Griffith wrote:

> can anyone give me more information about this new japanese linux
> consortium being formed out of the Japanese Linux User's Group.
> (

What is write is just my opinion from scaning the web page.  I
don't have any other source of information.

It seems they just want to promote that companies and other groups 
other than users are involved in their group.  The Japan Linux
User's group will become one part of this group it seems.  I think
it is really nothing new, but trying to promote businesses and such
to become as involved as individual users are.  
> i'm currious as to membership and how to get comapnies involved?

It looks like it will start April 1st (The start of the Japanese
fiscal year).  It doesn't say how to get involved, but I am sure that
they would be happy to get an e-mail (even in English) from netscape.
The e-mail address is (from the web page).


Robert Bickel, Lecturer, Dept. of Mechanical Systems Engineering
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
2-24-16 Nakacho, Koganei-shi, Tokyo, JAPAN 184-0012
Phone:     +81-42-388-7103            FAX:       +81-42-385-7204
Home:      +81-422-42-5615            Cellular:  +81-30-691-7580

In Japanese
$!"9V;U(B $B5!3#%7%9%F%`3X2J(B
$BEEOC!'(B        042-388-7103            $B%U%!%C%/%9!'(B  042-385-7204
$B<+BpEEOC!'(B    0422-42-5615            $B7HBSEEOC(B :    030-691-7580

Next Nomikai: 14 January 1999, 19:30 Tengu TokyoEkiMae 03-3275-3691
*** it will will be Jan 14 (Thu), as Jan 15 (Fri) is a natl holiday
Next Technical Meeting: 13 February, 12:30               Place: TBD
more info:                     Sponsor: PHT

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