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Re: tlug: Fwd: Contest from RH

OK. So I added our company to the list. Physically (or maybe 
more accurate, financially) it would be very difficult for me 
to attend any TLGU meetings or other gatherings because I 
live on the other side of the north pole but since this 
is the only LUG-list I read, and occasionally display my 
ignorance in, on a regularly basis I felt I might as well 
support it in the competition.

If this feels like cheating or otherwise wildly 
inappropriate You are allowed to remove my entry but let
me first say to my defense that we actually have a 
subsidiary in Tokyo and a couple of machines installed 
in Japan. I have even been there once and enjoyed some
Asahi beer and some other beverages.


  Fredric Fredricson           MYDATA automation AB
 Manager System SW R&D         Adolfsbergsvagen 11
phone: +46 8 475 55 21         S-161 70 BROMMA
  fax: +46 8 475 55 01         SWEDEN
Next Nomikai: 14 January 1999, 19:30 Tengu TokyoEkiMae 03-3275-3691
*** it will will be Jan 14 (Thu), as Jan 15 (Fri) is a natl holiday
Next Technical Meeting: Feb 13 (Sat), 12:30    ace: Temple Univ.
more info:                     Sponsor: PHT

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