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Re: tlug: valid mail address

>>>>> "Darren" == Darren Cook <> writes:

    >> From rfc 822:

    Darren> Having had to read this a couple of times, I'd like to
    Darren> propose that RFC writers have to undergo drug tests. :-)

They do.  If they're not hallucinogen-positive, the RFC gets rejected
without comment [sic].  I think this is Dan Bernstein's problem.

Actually, under normal circumstances, the stuff in RFCs is intended to 
make it easy to verify that a computer program recognizes exactly the
legal cases and spits errors for illegal cases.  Normal use is rather
simple, the exceptional cases are usually introduced for (a) backward
compatiblity or (b) human consumption.  Type (b) exceptions are what
make RFCs hard to read, they are invariably impossible to express
without a full-blown expert system.  :-)

    Darren> Would something like:

    Darren>    darren"@"

    Darren> or

    Darren>    darren(@)

    Darren> be allowed, or can the quoted text only contain characters
    Darren> that would be legal?

Those aren't (Dmytro explains), but


are.  (Of course, it's highly unlikely that your sysadmin would let you
have an alias like that. ;-)

Answer to exercise.

To write a compu$erve address with a comma, you must do something like


because comma is the address list delimiter.

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