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Re: tlug: Dad-blamed Netscrape again

Tetsuji Rai writes:

 > I japanized my netscape 4.08 with muriyari-nihongo.   Bus Error occurs when 
 > you have not japanized netscape and you set resources (Netscape*inputMethod: 
 > kinput2
 > Netscape*international: True).   I use RH 5.2, but it doesn't matter.  If you 
 > Japanized your netscape correctly it should work.   I recommend to make sure 
 > you have japanized for sure.

Thanks for your answer ... but how do I make sure my Netscape is
Japanized? I haven't Japanized anything myself; I don't know how. I
have tried to use several supposedly-Japanized Netscape RPMs from
JRPM, TurboLinux-J, Laser5, and now Vine Linux (each time I
uninstalled the previous Netscape first). I haven't been able to 
make any of them work.

By the way, I'm fairly sure the problem this time is related to
fonts. The Vine Linux RPM specifies certain fonts that MUST be used,
but doesn't give very clear instructions on how to configure them; and
'strace' shows that the bus error occurs exactly when Netscape is
trying to access the default fonts.

I'll check on the X resource settings, though. I wasn't aware of that

Thanks for the quick reply.

Matt Gushee
Oshamanbe, Hokkaido
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