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Re: tlug: IP "refresh" (cable modem/router)

>>>>> "Atlas21" == Atlas21 Shawn <> writes:

Do you get IP with DHCP?

If not, I think it would be possible to stop/start pppd without
dropping the connection. I don't know about dhcp. 

- Dmytro

    Atlas21> Dmytro Kovalev <> on 99/04/20
    Atlas21> 11:18:28


    Atlas21> ������: cc: (bcc:
    Atlas21> Atlas21 Shawn/OIPQA/Canon Inc/JP)���̾: Re: tlug: IP
    Atlas21> "refresh" (cable modem/router)

>>>>> "Atlas21" == Atlas21 Shawn <> writes:

    Atlas21> I was wondering about how linux goes about
    Atlas21> renewing/refreshing (my japanese win95 says "henshin")
    Atlas21> the IP.

    Atlas21> I'm not sure I understood what do you mean by
    Atlas21> 'renewing/refreshing', is this about dynamic IP address
    Atlas21> obtained from ISP?

    Atlas21> If so why do you want to renew it?

    Atlas21> With win95, I have this gui that comes up when I run
    Atlas21> winipcfg, and I can just click on henshin and that is it.

    Atlas21> What should I do with Linux to get the same results? What
    Atlas21> is the linux equivalent of winipcfg?

    Atlas21> (I have a "dynamic" IP that just happens to stay the same
    Atlas21> most of the time since the IP is fairly small and I am
    Atlas21> online almost constantly.)

    Atlas21> Thanks in advance,

    Atlas21> shawn gray

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    Atlas21> Dmytro Kovalev Tokyo FI UNIX SA, Consultant E-mail:
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The ISP sets the IP to "expire" after a certain amount of time. I'm not sure if
this is only because it is an Ethernet connection, or what. But in a network,
you can set the time limit in which an IP will expire. This is often due to
having more users than available IP addresses.

So when "cable guy" came to install the line/router, he told me to hit refresh
(in windows) once per hour. Now, once per hour seemed a lot to me, but after
some reading on the net, I saw that it is not too uncommon for some ISPs to set
the expiry to every 15 minutes or 1/2 an hour, etc. I think its done to make
sure that you are active online and not hogging the address that could go to
others. Kind of like an ISP dropping a dialup connection if there is no activity
after a certain amount of time. Especially in Japan with a cable modem, most
people would want to be online all the time. The ISP expires the IP in order to
keep you from having a virtually static IP address without paying extra for the
service. :-)


Dmytro Kovalev <> on 99/04/20 11:18:28��˒�֒�������ƒ�����������

cc: (bcc: Atlas21 Shawn/OIPQA/Canon Inc/JP)
���̾: Re: tlug: IP "refresh" (cable modem/router)

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>>>>> "Atlas21" == Atlas21 Shawn <> writes:

    Atlas21> I was wondering about how linux goes about
    Atlas21> renewing/refreshing (my japanese win95 says "henshin")
    Atlas21> the IP.

I'm not sure I understood what do you mean by 'renewing/refreshing',
is this about dynamic IP address obtained from ISP?

If so why do you want to renew it?

    Atlas21> With win95, I have this gui that comes up when I run
    Atlas21> winipcfg, and I can just click on henshin and that is it.

    Atlas21> What should I do with Linux to get the same results? What
    Atlas21> is the linux equivalent of winipcfg?

    Atlas21> (I have a "dynamic" IP that just happens to stay the same
    Atlas21> most of the time since the IP is fairly small and I am
    Atlas21> online almost constantly.)

    Atlas21> Thanks in advance,

    Atlas21> shawn gray

    Atlas21> -------------------------------------------------------------------
    Atlas21> Next Nomikai: TBD Tengu TokyoEkiMae 03-3275-3691 Next
    Atlas21> Technical Meeting: June 12 (Sat), 12 :30 place: Temple
    Atlas21> Univ.
    Atlas21> -------------------------------------------------------------------
    Atlas21> more info: Sponsor: Global Online
    Atlas21> Japan
Dmytro Kovalev
Tokyo FI UNIX SA, Consultant
Next Nomikai: TBD                    Tengu TokyoEkiMae 03-3275-3691
Next Technical Meeting: June 12 (Sat), 12  :30   place: Temple Univ.
more info:        Sponsor: Global Online Japan


Next Nomikai: TBD                    Tengu TokyoEkiMae 03-3275-3691
Next Technical Meeting: June 12 (Sat), 12  :30   place: Temple Univ.
more info:        Sponsor: Global Online Japan
Dmytro Kovalev
Tokyo FI UNIX SA, Consultant	
Next Nomikai: TBD                    Tengu TokyoEkiMae 03-3275-3691
Next Technical Meeting: June 12 (Sat), 12  :30   place: Temple Univ.
more info:        Sponsor: Global Online Japan

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