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Re: tlug: One question from a newbie.

Hi all!

On Tue, 27 Apr 1999, Jonathan Q wrote:

> Xemacs with Mule is probably the best thing you're going to find right now
> in terms of native Linux apps.  If the large size presents a problem for
> downloading, it shouldn't be that difficult to get in on CD in (at least)
> RPM format.  TurboLinux-J has it on the CD, and perhaps TurboLinux-E does
> as well, although I'm not sure if that has Mule compiled in (probably
> does).
> However, you might be able to run JWP under Wine. I have never used JWP
> myself, though, and also seldom use Wine for anything (prefering native
> Linux stuff), so if anyone has actually attempted it, I hope they will
> jump in here.
> Jonathan

Well... Now, I install Debian 2.0 (XEmacs-mule included) Where can I found
any tutorial to use XEmacs-mule? (in english ^_^U)


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