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tlug: Linux Internationalization Initiative (Li18nux)


Here it is, first hand, the call for participation to the
Linux Internationalization Initiative (Li18nux), a recently
formed voluntary working group that will focus on standardizing
localization methods for Linux and coordinating internationalization
efforts worldwide.

I believe it is within the interests of our members that TLUG
answers to this call, participating and cooperating in the Li18nux
activities. I'll send back the application form along with 
a short message supporting the initiative. Please follow up
at tlug-admin.

BTW, the official announcement will be on 9/29 at a press
conference during the Linux World Expo in Tokyo with a repeat
on 10/12 at the Linux Showcase in Atlanta. And a TLUG special:
the co-chair of the initiative, Akio Kido, will be our guest 
speaker for the 10/9 TLUG Technical Meeting (followed by Adrian
Havill, TurboLinux developer, that will talk about Japanese
TrueType fonts).

                                              September 13, 1999
From: Co-chairs of Linux Internationalization Initiative (Li18nux)
      Akio Kido (IBM)         
      Hideki Hiura (Sun Microsystems)

To: Technical experts in Linux and Open Source communities,
    Technical experts of Internationalization and National Language
    support, Linux Distributions, Linux related projects,
    Linux related IT vendors, and Linux User Groups in each country

Subject: Call for participation to the Li18nux Working Group

Permission to re-distribution:
    Please feel free to forward or redistribute this call for
    participation to other organizations or mailing lists

We are pleased to inform you that the Linux Internationalization Initiative

(that may be abbreviated as Li18nux or LI18NUX) has been founded in
September 1999, and calling for your participation into this activity.

The Linux Internationalization is a voluntary working group, consisting of
Linux related contributors who are working on Globalization, which is
composed of Internationalization and Localization. The scope of the
activities will be focused on software and application portability and
Interoperability in the International context.

Objectives of the working group are as follows:

- Leverage collaborative efforts among contributors of Linux
- Provide a forum for contributors to have technical discussions about
- Perform necessary coordination among projects that are related to Linux
- Actively disseminate Linux Internationalization related information.
- Provide specification of Internationalized APIs and components that
  every distribution should include to ensure application portability and
  interoperability among various Linux distributions.
- Develop a catalogue of Internationalized components of Linux
  (including documentation, message catalogues, etc).
- Establish necessary liaisons with various committees and organizations
  who are working on Internationalization.
- Define a process for creation of and dissemination of a core set of
  Globalized documentation and localizable elements for Linux and
  applications that run on Linux.
- Produce documentation on how to globalize applications and other
  resources for Linux.
- Promote the universal translation of existing and future documentation
  by working with existing documentation and localization providers.

The membership of this working group shall be open to anyone who is
interested in contributing to Linux Internationalization.

If you agree with the above objectives, and work with us together,
please fill in the attached application form and send it to (or
when it becomes available).

Additional information about this group will become available
though our Web page (temporaly ). You will also find our
charter and latest members' list on the page.

The charter is attached at the bottom of this mail.

If you would have any question on the Li18nux WG, please feel free
to contact with Li18nux c/o Akio Kido and/or Hideki Hiura.

We are looking forward to seeing and co-working with you.

(See attached file: li18nux-charter.htm)

Best regards,
Akio Kido and Hideki Hiura

Application form to join Li18nux

( Please use English to fill this form in, and send it to )

1. Your name:

2. Your organization / project (if applicable):

   - Name of the organization / project

   - Brief description of the organization / project

   - Contact to the organization / project representative

3. Your E-mail address:

4. URL of your (your organization / project ) Web page:

5. Your postal address:

6. How can you participate in the working group activity?

   - Face-to-face meeting in United States

      Yes / Sometimes / No

   - Face-to-face meeting in your geography if we have

      Yes / No

   - Is there any possibility to host this WG meeting
     in your geography?

      Yes / Provably / No

   - E-mail discussion

      Yes / No

   - Other (please describe)

7. Please introduce yourself:

   - Nationality and your native language;

   - Your technical expertise:

   - Your interest area of Linux and/or Open source components:

   - What contribution would you like to do?

   - What would you like to do in this working group?

   - What would you expect for this working group?

   - Your ambitions about this working group?

8. Please describe your support message to this Working Group

A. Can we put your profile available in our Web site?

   Yes (everything)

   Yes (except the following items)




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