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Re: tlug: Redhat 6.1: (Bad) First Impressions

On Mon, Oct 11, 1999 at 03:50:25AM +0100, Simon Cozens wrote:

> > This routine upgrade turned into a nightmare
>   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Ah, that'd be your problem, then.
> You've just learnt the reason why `If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
> <cue rant about Debian users who daily upgrade everything to the latest
> devel versions and complain when things don't work>
> (To be fair there are RedHat users who do this too, but apt-get makes it
> easy. Then there are people who *NEED* to run the latest devel kernel with
> AC prepatches...)

Setting aside the accusatory remarks, this actually reinforces my point. 
Because this work was anticipated in advance, users expected service to be
interrupted on that day.  If we had been looking at an emergency repair,
it could have gone much harder for them. 

I didn't mean for my posting to trigger a most-favoured-distro dispute, so
perhaps I should put a little emphasis on my original point.  This was, in
fact, our first experience with Debian here, and I have no doubt that
RedHat's apt-get is a fine piece of administrative software.  But we found
it impossible to install the operating system which it is designed to
support, because the RedHat installation script failed in normal use. 
Whether the original OS had been broken or not, it no longer existed, and
we had to choose a distro to fix.  We chose Debian, not because of its
package manager, but because it was easier to hack its installation disks
to suit our needs.

Frank G Bennett, Jr         @@
Faculty of Law, Nagoya Univ () email:
Tel: +81[(0)52]789-2239     () WWW:

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