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tlug: Posting Japanese text to the web bulletin (was Re: Japanese emails and jlatex under RedHut 6.1)

Hi, Naoki--

Naoki Saito writes:

 > As for Japanese latex, I would like to use omega since it is included in
 > teTeX-1.0 distribution, but it seems tricky to use it actually.

Well, Omega is no trickier to *use* than TeX. The problem is that
Japanese support for Omega has not really been developed yet. I have
begun an effort in that direction; as far as I know, I am the only one 
doing it. And my project is not yet usable for producing actual

 > I would appreciate it if you could point me user's manual that explains
 > how to use omega to produce Japanese reports/papers.

So, to the best of my knowledge there isn't any such manual. If you
are interested in *developing* Japanese support for Omega, why don't
you take a look at what I've done so far ... if you or other people
are interested in working together on this, I would like to continue
with it, but it's too much for me alone. Anyway, the address is

If you really want to get some work done, using teTeX, I think you'd
best try CJK. Actually, if you do that, you might want to download
another package of mine. Setting up fonts for CJK can be a little
tricky, and the author of CJK is mainly familiar with Chinese. My
'AHO-JDPS' project support provides some support for using Japanese
TrueType fonts with CJK. It's at

Hope this helps a little.

Matt Gushee
Portland, Maine, USA

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