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Re: tlug: X Display

You(Stephen J. Turnbull) wrote:
> If you know that all the other users needing will be logged in on that
> machine (perhaps by telnet), and assume that all such users are
> trustworthy
> 			    xhost +local:
> allows you to permit all local connections.  This is convenient if you 
> want to run a configuration utility as root, for example, while logged 
> in as an ordinary user.
> I've never tried to authorize differentiating between local users; if
> that's what you need, sorry, I can't help.

Can't you do some clever trick with xauth to get around this? I've
completely forgotten everything there was to know about xauth since
ssh does X forwarding for you with less effort.

You'd want to differentiate among local users if, for example, you had
an annoying "friend" who had a habit of "reminding" you to use xauth
by burying your screen under hundreds of xteddies if he caught you
logged in without it. This is a true story, in case anyone is wondering.

The same "friend" also took an immense liking to the fact that
/dev/audio on SunOS 4.x was world writable by default, and the certain
Sun box in an office I had been using didn't have the sound turned
off.) I think Linux also used to do the same thing, although it seems
like Laser5 at least seems to do the right thing now (chown /dev/audio
to the console user upon login).

Shimpei Yamashita   $B;32>
perl -w -e '$_="not a perl hacker\n";$q=qq;(.);x9;$qq=qq;345123h896789,;;$s=
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