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Re: [Lingo] [NL] Word order

On Monday 18 September 2006 12:30, Godwin Stewart wrote:
> On Mon, 18 Sep 2006 01:55:22 +0200, "David Stibbe" <>
> wrote:
> > Done. AQlthough, my Yahoo identity is very very old and strange.
> > You'll find my comment posted by 'Psycho_Maniac_vs_Falcon'.  ( really
> > old nick  :P )
> Right. I didn't realize that was you when I sent my message off.
> Henry (also native Dutch speaker), whose message you commented on, had
> this to say in reply to my query:
> <quote>
> Anyway, he's incorrect saying both are incorrect. We were talking
> word order and as far as that's concerned, both variants are
> correct. Joop just meant to explain that the use of the verb
> "bekijken" was incorrect, but that's got nothing to do with the
> issue at hand.
> </quote>
> So, where can someone trying to learn the language go to get information
> without native speakers contradicting one another?

I have no idea. The problem of course is that neither of us (at least, I 
assume) are schooled to educate the Dutch language.

The problem concerning the text was that there was more than 1 thing wrong 
with it. It has no use talking about word order when the verb is incorrect. 
On top of that, although both orders are correct, one is preferred over the 


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