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Re: [Lingo] kanji with the same onyomi

2009/2/24 steve smith <>:
> Some time ago I was told that in some cases groups of kanji have the same
> onyomi and that the onyomi is determined by the right-most of the sub-kanji
> within the kanji.  They had a name for this which I can't remember.

 形声文字 (けいせいもじ)??

> At the time I was a bit overwhelmed by trying to remember the kanji I knew.
> Now those teachers are gone and I can't find a reference.
> I think an example might be:
> 壌嬢穣譲醸
> all of which have the onyomi of ジョウ.
> Does anyone know if this is correct or not?

Mostly. In about 85% of hanzi/kanji part of the character indicates the
pronunciation. See  and
skip down to the section on 形声文字.



Jim Breen
Adjunct Senior Research Fellow
Clayton School of Information Technology,
Monash University, VIC 3800, Australia

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