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Re: [Lingo] English help

On 04/15/2012 03:10 PM, Nguyễn Vũ Hưng wrote:

This is my next question:

"At current price, we recommend HOLD *for* stock with 6M target price
*of* VND 59,500 *and* year-end target price of VND 63,700."

Can you tell me how to break/parse this sentence into blocks for later
# In this sentence, "for" , "of" and "and" are important
It appears as though the securities analyst who wrote this is telling 
people who currently have shares of this company's stock to hold on to 
it, but s/he is not recommending that people who do not already own 
shares to go out and buy any (with a "buy to hold" implied for those 
people with a low aversion to risk, but, unless you know the market, 
you, as a translator should not go there).  S/he is predicting that the 
share price _should_ hit VND 59,500 / share within six months AND is 
predicting that shares _ought_ to be worth VND 63,700 before the stock 
market closes for the New Year holidays.
What is left unsaid is that if the share prices perform significantly 
better or worse than the analyst's prediction, there are other unspoken 
recommended solutions which it is up to the analyst to discuss in a 
bulletin when s/he believes it is time to issue an update.
When I ran a research team, I insisted that my translators never attempt 
to explain or second guess what the analyst meant; to leave any unspoken 
/ unwritten alternatives alone, remain entirely neutral / noncommittal 
on any scenario the analyst did not specifically discuss, and to never 
introduce even a _possibility_ that an alternative exists.  All of that 
is the responsibility of the person whose name is on the report and the 
legal compliance standards of the company whose name appears at the top 
of Page One -- never the translator.
There are times when the logic of the language you are translating into 
does not easily accommodate the needs of neutrality the compliance rules 
under which the English original was prepared require.  Sometimes you 
will have to adjust tenses and conditionals to remain in legal 
compliance and, based upon what you've given us, I can't tell you what 
you have to do.

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