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Re: Slow browsing?

>>>>> "Shimpei" == Shimpei Yamashita <> writes:

    Shimpei> Ew. w3.el is morally wrong

More so than any other Emacs LISP application?

And certainly far less so than Mozilla composer or Word

Also, remember I am not J. Random Luser.  I don't, and don't want to,
live in my browser.  To me, my browser is (1) a draft output device
for web pages; (2) a research tool where maximally convenient
cut-and-paste functionality, preferably without removing hands from
keyboard, is paramount.

Bogus "GNUscape" advertising notwithstanding, I don't recommend w3.el
for J. Random's luse.  It is nearly _my_ browser of choice, that's
all I said.  Also, at one time it was the only approximately
multilingual browser available (unfortunately it's still only
approximate M17N :-/ ).

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