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Re: Linux with Windows2000

----- Original Message -----
From: "SN_Diamond" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 9:38 AM
Subject: Re: Linux with Windows2000

> >From gnome's footprint, go to $B%W%m%0%i%`!<%7%9%F%`!<(BLinuxConf.  At the
> bottom is boot mode.  Open up "boot mode", open up "Lilo", and click on
> "Configure LILO defaults (Linux boot load".  Yup, it's really helpful of
> those designers to truncate text instead of putting in scroll bars.
> then go to the right-hand portion of this window, and click on "Extra
> options".  I think you need to type the parameters into the box for "Boot
> options", then accept and let it make the changes -- but as mentioned
> I'm not going to do that much testing at the moment, on the machine where
> looked for this, sorry.

Hi Norman,
Thank you for the suggestion. I did exactly you told me. But I couldn't get
my cdrom
running. Something is strange, everytime I enter "ide2=0x180,0x386" the next
open Lilo to check if it's okay it becomes "ide2=0x180". I've been trying
this for hours.
Is there any school to learn Linux?  Thanks again for your time.


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