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Re: [tlug] de-lurking with a question

On Mon, Feb 16, 2004 at 09:07:24AM +0900, Blomberg David wrote:
> Sorry but basically work sucks (why else do they have to pay to get you
> to show up) :)

naaa, work will suck only if the pay you get actually matters more to
you than the work you do. 

> Find a place that lets you do what you want to do
> or face the music when you start to say "work sucks" ;)

if you find you hate your work, then leave as soon as you can.
run! don't walk. life is much to short to waste it hating your work.

greetings, martin. (who left his last well paying job because he
couldn't stand the workenvironment (what makes it worse is that the
project to be done in itself was interresting enough, and the workmates
were all really nice and cool, but there was no teamwork for my project))
looking for a job doing pike programming, sTeam/caudium/pike/roxen training,
sTeam/caudium/roxen and/or unix system administration anywhere in the world.
pike programmer   travelling and working in europe (hungary)
unix system-                       iaeste.(|or).at
administrator     (stuts|black.linux-m68k).org        
Martin B�hr

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