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Re: [tlug] Re: MPEG stream analyser?

>>>>> "Josh" == Josh Glover <> writes:

    Josh> The greedy media conglomerates come up with some half-assed
    Josh> "anti-piracy" (read: anti-consumer) scheme,

Heh.  You wish.  Compared to the gluttony (and sloth) of the consumers
they serve, the media conglomerates are princes of ethics.  I don't
understand why it works this way, but clearly the relationship of the
conglomerates to the consumers is a symbiosis of complementary greeds.

What we really need to do somehow is to separate the issue of open
source from the issue of consumers wanting something for nothing.

School of Systems and Information Engineering
University of Tsukuba                    Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
               Ask not how you can "do" free software business;
              ask what your business can "do for" free software.

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