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Re: [tlug] Printer Not Responding

>>>>> "Edward" == Edward Middleton <> writes:

    Edward> Wasn't it Evan Monroig who suggested reverting the cups
    Edward> packages?

Probably.  Sorry.

    >> It's called "updating a package."  He's just proposing updating
    >> to a previous version.

    Edward> While reverting to an older package in the same major
    Edward> version of a distribution might be a regular occurrence
    Edward> updating between major versions of a distribution is not
    Edward> something to do lightly.

We're not proposing to updating the distribution, we're proposing
updating a single service.  The point of using -s is to find out if
updating the service is going to have an impact on other services,
especially low-level ones that many services depend on.

    Edward>   The problem would appear to be the proprietary Canon
    Edward> driver having problems with the newer glib?

I don't think anything like that has been established.  A separate
utility was having issues with malloc, not the printer daemon or

But if that is the case, yes, David would need to revert glibc, and
this would show up in apt-get -s.  He would then post (well, more
likely he'd say "uh-uh, I'm not touching that!") "should I revert
glibc?" and we'd say (in 4-part harmony) "No!  Don't touch that!"

Sure, this is not something that I'd advise him to just randomly
experiment with.  But he's here because he either wants to or is
financially or otherwise constrained.  Either way, he'll be better off
if he learns to do this stuff.

Jim may be right that he should back everything up.  But he should be
backing up anyway.

School of Systems and Information Engineering
University of Tsukuba                    Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
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