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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] Re: antispam tricks
- Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2006 11:06:44 +0900
- From: "Shannon Jacobs" <>
- Subject: [tlug] Re: antispam tricks
- References: <>
I feel obliged to make the usual comment... Spam email is an economic problem, and non-economic solutions will never 'solve' it. Technical solutions are just an unending arms race. Political and legal solutions just move the spammers around. Even if someone shot the 20 guys who are responsible for 80% of the world's spam (according to SpamHaus), new megaspammers would emerge from the other 99.95% of the spammers who have yet to achieve that status. Blame Al Gore for telling the engineers not to worry about the money?
As regards small-time spammers, I do think ODN is the spammers' best friend in Japan. However, that's coming from a ex-ODN customer, so I might have an axe to grind.
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