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Re: [tlug] Re: Why the shirts? Why TLUG? (About groklaw)

Stephen J. Turnbull wrote on 04/20/2007 15:43:29:

> Law, I grok, but groklaw, I don't get.  It's not really an
> organization, though, it's just Pamela Samuelson's blog, right?
Pamela Jones blog, actually, and it is "just a blog" in one sense
but very much part of the open source community in another.
PJ:s blog is a strange bird in the OSS community. Technical
discussions, when they arise, are considered "off topic" I have
not seen a single "my choice of programming language is better
than yours"-flame war. The main focus is the SCO vs. IBM lawsuit
and related suits. Patent, copyright and licensing issues also
get a lot of attention.

Still, we addicts (a.k.a. groklawians) are really stuck.


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