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Re: [tlug] OT - Shutdown day

Curt Sampson writes:

 > Oh, and Stephen, my point about the large portion of data centre
 > power usage being air conditioning was that, as a cooling system,
 > it's ammenable to the exact same sorts of remediation as cooling
 > systems used for other purposes. So rather than attacking it as a
 > computer problem, and achieving savings only in data centers, it
 > can be attacked as a generic problem, and the techniques developed
 > can be used across many industries.

Sure, but if I were the Internet industry I wouldn't put effort in
that specifically, precisely because the benefits are very widespread,
far beyond my own indsutry.  Rather, I'd let the cooling industry do
that investment, and pay for it as it comes online.

If you're a datacenter, the thing about investing in low-power
computer hardware is you get the same percentage of cooling savings
for free, without improving on the efficiency of cooling systems at


How about the landpile (ie, the inverse of landfill) cum downhill ski
area businesses in Minnesota?

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