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Re: [tlug] Re: Somewhat OT- open source software for US voting machines

Jim Breen wrote:
> 2008/10/7 Edward Middleton <>:
> I was wrong to say "gone back" because it never went past a trial.
> The ACT electoral commission had a second trial in their 2004 election,
> with 13% voting using modified systems. In the 2007 federal election the
> federal electoral commission tried a similar system with a few hundred
> serving troops in Iraq, etc.

It looks like they will be doing the same in the 2008[1] election.

> All this is toe-in-the-water stuff. The ACT is a sophisticated place full of
> well-educated highly-paid civil servants. It's the ideal place for a trial.
> We are are VERY long way from adopting electronic voting on a larger state
> or national level.

I come from Canberra, and a waste of a perfectly good sheep paddock
would be how I describe it ;) but as you say it is an ideal place for a
trial.  I think the approach they are following is appropriate when you
are talking about something as fundamental as an election.  What I can't
see is evidence that it is a fundamentally flawed exercise as both Curt
and Stephen have asserted.



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