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Re: [tlug] running android on a netbook or virtualization software

On Tue, Jul 07, 2009 at 10:58:34PM +0900, Dave M G wrote:
> [android]

For easy playing with just using a pc: 
just discovered a livecd with android 1.5 .

Can also be run in vmware, virtualbox etc.

- got the 2 iso-parts from
- cat-ed those together
- executed 
  sudo kvm --soundhw all -boot d -m 512 -name android \
  -cdrom /mnt/store/isos/liveandroid_0.2.iso \
  -net nic,vlan=1,macaddr=de:ad:be:ef:00:04,model=pcnet \
  -net tap,vlan=1,script=/mnt/store/kvm/qemu_add_tap_to_kvm0
  (only interesting part is probably pcnet nic hardwaretype,
  tried others that are not supported by this android-image)
- used
  to configure networking inside the booted vm


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