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Re: [tlug] Weird xmodmap problem

On Mon, 23 Nov 2009 01:30:26 +0900, Curt Sampson
<> wrote:

> What with your problems, I'm suspecting something is going pretty wrong
> here. I find it unlikely that the keyboard's (or several keybaords',
> actually) scan codes are changing, so it might be an X11 thing, or hacks
> to deal with changes in the keyboard drivers Ubuntu is using, or who
> knows what.

Hacks of some kind do come to mind.

None of the scancodes involved here have changed. It's simply(?) a case of
Xorg saying "yeah, I know that Mod5+e should give you an eacute" but
actually only giving an e anyway.

Really weird.

> So I suppose my summary here is, you are not alone.

I guess not. And I'm no closer to figuring it out, either :(

G. Stewart -

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