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Re: [tlug] Wireless Router Problem

Hi Peter.

Your assumptions sound sensible, but before thinking too hard I'd
start by following the wise counsel of the bloke out of "The IT

Have you tried turning it off and on again?

I'd do it in this order:
1) Pull the plug on both your ATERM thingy and the box upstream that
your ISP provides to connect you to the internet. (That's how you're
set up, right? Your ATERM box isn't plugged straight into the phone
line or anything?)
2) Plug in the upstream box and wait a minute.
3) Plug in your ATERM thingy and wait a minute.
4) See if you can see it from your Mac.
5) If you can't, try rebooting your Mac and try again. Seriously.

If that doesn't work, try connecting it directly via a LAN cable
(rather than wireless) and see if it will talk to you that way. If
that fails too, you may have to resort to the using software that came
with the ATERM and following the instructions...

Edmund Edgar

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