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Re: [tlug] android complaint legitimate or not

On 01/22/10 18:46, Shawn Brown wrote:

Google says the bluetooth api is only from version 2.0 and warns that
using 3rd party bluetooth apis may break in any update

HTC won't release  an Android 2.0 version for about 5 handsets (magic,
mytouch, g1 etc)

I don't really know if RFCOMM is usable or not, but Android 2.0 source 
(and as of yesterday, 2.1 as well) is released. It runs fine on a Magic 
(HTC-03A). What is missing is the camera/video capture drivers/libraries 
(proprietary). 3G and Wifi work fine, so if you can live without the 
camera, go for 2.0. You can build it yourself or use any of the custom 
roms floating around.
On the other hand, Magics (at least in the US) will receive a 2.0 (2.1?) 
update soon they say. So if you can wait a while, maybe you will get an 
'official' 2.0 ROM. (that doesn't guarantee you RFCOMM, but still...)

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