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Re: [tlug] how to tune reiser4 for millions of files?

thanks for comments. I agree completely that the analysis program may be
faster than ls. 

Right now the program is running, so I will let it run and wait for the
new (i.e. better written) application. 

In the meantime I may try mysqlfs. Also, as Patrick suggested, I have
tried find + xargs:

* Patrick Bernier ( [100128 19:17]:
> One example:
> 	find . -print0 | xargs -0 -r -- ls -l

this yields the result in something like 30 min, which is a great
improvement compared to those 6+ hours which I spent with simple "ls -l"
and _without_ any result. Unfortunately, this knowledge cannot be used
directly for the analysis program. But I am glad I have learned about

I did not realize immediately, that "find ." will find "." directory
too, thus producing the listing twice - i.e. once for files and once for
"ls ." . So after the first listing I have killed the command. That was
about 30 min. after start, as mentioned above. 

Best regards

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