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Re: [tlug] Japanese and Android tablets like the Nexus 7

2012/12/17 Nikolay Elenkov <>:
> 2012年 12月 17日(月)2:30 pm に Curt Sampson さんは書きました:
>> On 2012-12-17 14:05 +0900 (Mon), Ian Lawrence Barwick wrote:
>>> I had the same issue (Japanese input only available if the system
>>> language is Japanese) on my stock Nexus 7 after it upgraded to Android
>>> 4.2.0.
>>> The upgrade to 4.2.1 appears to have resolved this, for me at least.
>> I'm already running 4.2.1 (it was installed with my first upgrade from
>> 4.0 just after I received it last week). I don't know if I had the issue
>> before the upgrade, but it's certainly still there now. :-(
> The only thing that 4.2.1 fixes is the 'Santa bug' (December missing in
> the Contacts app), so anything else that changed is probably not related
> to the update.

As a matter of interest, are there any official release notes for
Android versions? The closest I can find is this:

which confirms the December bug was fixed but also states "Note: There
could be other changes in closed-source components."

All I know is that I could not get any combination of settings in
4.2.0 to allow the Japanese IME working if the system language was not
set to Japanese; following the upgrade to 4.2.1 it started working
without problems.

Ian Lawrence Barwick

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