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Re: [tlug] Japanese and Android tablets like the Nexus 7

2012年 12月 17日(月)3:32 pm に Ian Lawrence Barwick さんは書きました:
> 2012/12/17 Nikolay Elenkov <>:
>> 2012年 12月 17日(月)2:30 pm に Curt Sampson さんは書きました:

> As a matter of interest, are there any official release notes for
> Android versions? The closest I can find is this:

>From what I have seen so far, not for minor releases.

> which confirms the December bug was fixed but also states "Note: There
> could be other changes in closed-source components."

This is actually just running a script to collect git commit messages.
You can look at the update package to see if any proprietary binaries
are changed, but other than that, it's just guessing/reversing.

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