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Re: [tlug] system languag

Thank you!
And of course it should have been "language" in the subject line ...sorry.

On 2015/10/23 11:47, Raymond Wan wrote:
Hi Thomas,

On Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 9:42 AM, Thomas <> wrote:
The other day I noticed, that kubuntu does not recognize file names with
Japanese characters in it - and refuses to "do" anything with/to those
According to the computer: they do not exist.

I will try to look into that later.
By the way, you said that your Windows machine can recognize the filenames? So this is some kind of NAS or shared partition?
No, No. I mean files send across via Dropbox or on USB memory sticks are read fine on separate Linux AND Windows machines.
> As the link above implies, you have to set your locale correctly to 
one that has been installed
Yes. On the kubuntu list I was told about those, given a number of those 
"sudo commands", executed them in order,
but so far nothing has helped.

It does not really matter, since I am probably switching to Mint anyway,
it is more a question of "principle".
I get these "minor" but nonetheless annoying problems all the time.
And in most cases* there just seems to be NO WAY to fix them, making reinstallation the only option left.
At least, if you are not a computer specialist - like me.
I "had" to do this already a thousand times ... another reason for being called "stupid" all the time, since, according to the specialists, it is sooo easy fix everything in Linux.
* I make myself usually very unpopular by just asking for help.

I will report back, if I can make those commands work, that are given under the above link.

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