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Re: [tlug] Transferring a domain

Hey Ben,
You might want to try for that. Why do I
recommend it? I wrote the domain handler :) Other than that,
there is nothing special with them. I am not with them any more
though. The service is run by only a few people so I think they
provide their customer service via telephone. They speak English.

2016-04-19 17:21 GMT+09:00 Benjamin Kowarsch <>:
> Can somebody recommend a service provider where to migrate an already
> existing domain? Ideally a company where it is possible to call a
> customer service representative over the telephone (Japanese or English).
> Customer service via web-only is not desirable.
> The domain to be migrated is with a provider who maintains the domain as an
> option bundled with internet service. The ISP doesn't offer this option
> standalone. In order to cancel the internet service without losing the
> domain, the domain must first be transferred elsewhere.
> thanks in advance.
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