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Re: Craig's "Rainikkusu" site

On Mon, 28 Oct 1996, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:

> >>>>> "Shige" == Shige Abe <> writes:
>     Shige> On Mon, 28 Oct 1996, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
>     Shige> Its modeled after the elegant NextStep OS.  Though based on
>     Shige> FVWM 1.24f, it has lots of added features.
>     >> Are these "features" useful?
>     Shige> Well, drag-and-drop has been added though its not really
> For DnD to be really useful, you need to be able to drag an file icon
> from the file manager to your mule window and have it open the file in 
> a sensible window or frame.  That requires a lot of cooperation from
> mule.  That's why Windows and the Mac have it, but X doesn't, really,
> yet (or soon, IMO).  User interface policy is a wonderful thing ....
> I prefer anarchy :-)

We have DnD for our Wharf (Dock), I heard that you can drag filenames into
the icon, and the application corresponding to the icon will fire up using
data from the file.
>     Shige> Umm, I guess I don't know what applets mean.  My meaning is
>     Shige> "little applications", not like Java stuff.  I'm refering
>     Shige> to trivial programs that replace xclock, xmailbox, biff,
>     Shige> etc.
> xbiff ain't trivial, not at 4MB total size and 580kB resident :-P (One
> suspects I have a configuration problem ;-) But you can make it a lot
> nicer by simply adding nicer pixmaps.  Presumably that's what they
> actually did, was fix the look-and-feel without changing the
> internals.  This is really what my question was, "did they really
> reinvent the wheel on all those programs, or did they just put in
> nicer icons and pixmaps?"

Nope, our mailbox checking program is like 60k, with zero code from xbiff
or xmailbox.  Its based on code from our clock program.  I'm a bit
confused, you mention that xbiff is 4mb total size?!  I just looked at it
and its the binary is only 14k, does it really use up 580kb resident?
All our little trivlets use zero code from the corresponding fvwm one,
except stuff like pager and xload is unmodified.  
ASMail box be completely configured to lauch a program for the left and
right mouse buttons, it can automatically run a program upon reception of
mail.  Alot of other things are all configurable as well. I also hacked my
version so it'll show the actual number of unread mail.
Is there anything else xbiff does?

	Shige Abe

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