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Re: tlug: Symbol Input in Mule+Wnn+Egg

tlug note from Steve Dunham <>
"Stephen J. Turnbull" <> writes:

> >>>>> "Steve" == Steve Dunham <> writes:

>     Steve> Dennis McMurchy <> writes:

>     >> Just a very quick question: I only just noticed that the symbol
>     >> input in Mule+Wnn+Egg doesn't work the way my
>     >> (otherwise-reliable) reference [UNIX 日本語環境 ] tells me it
>     >> should.  C-^ is supposed to bring up a dialogue in the
>     >> minibuffer that gives you a variety of choices of input.  But
>     >> it doesn't seem to.  Nothing else I've tried works.

> This does not work in Fence mode, but does work in nihongo normal mode
> on SunOS 4.1.3-JLE1.1.3 with Mule 2.2 "Wakamurasaki".  I don't have
> Wnn installed on linux, so I can't test it.

> Try C-H k C-^ in Mule and see if (a) it's defined (b) your terminal is
> generating the correct keysym.

> In Canna-Mule, the Insert key brings up  menu, and this works in
> kterm-XIM-kinput2-Canna as well.  Try that.

> Try M-: "(featurep egg)" (or M-ESC if you have Emacs 19.28 or
> previous) and see if EGG is actually being loaded from the .el file.

>     Steve> Hmm, works for me: ◯♭ Does the normal Egg stuff work? 
>     Steve> (C-\)
>     Steve> Thanks for the tip, BTW, I was wondering how to enter: ・瘢雹

> C-\ "ten" SPC RET works on Canna (as does "yuubin" henkan); as usual
> the Wnn server on SunkOS refuses to talk to my Mule, so I can't test
> it there.

Works here too. Thanks. (I've only had two weeks of Japanese...)

>     >> I even tried doing the symbol input in jvim+Wnn+kinput2, where
>     >> Shift-Esc is supposed to bring up symbol input mode.  That
>     >> failed too, suggesting perhaps a wider problem in (?) Wnn.
>     Steve> Works with kterm+Wnn+kinput2 for me too.
>     Steve> So it isn't a Wnn problem.

> Could be a JE problem, though---you're a Debian kinda guy, right,
> Steve?  Are you using JE, Dennis (I think you mentioned Slackware is
> your base distribution)?

Yeah I'm a Debian guy (dejanews contains a record of my opinion on
Slackware :).  All of my Japanese stuff is self compiled, though.

More importantly, I'm a XEmacs guy.  So my comment above was about
Egg on XEmacs rather than Egg on Mule.  (I believe that an XEmacs
developer is working on improving Egg, which may explain why "C-^"
actually does work in fence mode on XEmacs.)


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