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Re: tlug: Re: mutt mailer & nihongo

On Sun, 12 Oct 1997, Rex Walters wrote:

rw>I've just put a (very) brief description at 
rw>"".  Feel free to use what you like 
rw>(or to just point to it).  All the work was done by Kikutani-san -- I
rw>just applied the patches (see

thanks for the information on mutt.  I found your documentation well
written and useful.  I'm incorporating this information into the
next version of Linux-Nihongo which is in LaTeX.  I'll be distributing
the next version in html (online), PostScript and PDF.  Let me
know if you want to donate any other documents of this high

For those
of you that haven't tried the new 3.x version of acroread for 
Linux from Adobe, check it out.  It is a well made piece of software
with a good user interface.  The fonts are extremely crisp and
highly readable.  The original versions of Adobe Acrobat Reader
for Linux didn't have too many advantages over xpdf.  Now, it
is more like comparing Netscape 3.0 with Mosaic, a lot of small
improvements over free software versions.  For those of you 
that don't mind using commercial software, check out
and download your free copy of acroread for Linux.  

I think the latest version of acroread for Linux came out in August.


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Next TLUG meeting is Saturday Dec. 13, 1997  (possibly Nov. 13?)
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