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Re: tlug: How to fake out Pine

>>>>> "Scott" == Scott Stone <> writes:

    Scott> On Thu, 30 Apr 1998, Jonathan Byrne wrote:
    >> However, what I'd really like to do (OK, I know this is just
    >> being stubborn, since the workaround above is in fact a
    >> workaround) is keep my current userid on my machine (jonathan)
    >> and yet still have the mail show that it's coming from
    >>, with the personal name Jonathan Byrne
    >> displayed.  I haven't found anything in the documentation that
    >> suggests such a thing is possible, but I just thought I'd throw
    >> this out for discussion in case anybody knows of a way to make
    >> it work.

    Scott> check the config page inside pine.. I think there's an
    Scott> option to do this to the from: line on all your

You can get your personal name and the domain name, but I don't think
you can set the user name.

    Scott> messages... either that or just enable 'rich headers' or
    Scott> something like that, and you can edit it on a per-message
    Scott> basis.

You wouldn't have this problem in VM or Gnus or Mew ....

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