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Solution (was Re: tlug: Emacs 20.2 and Japanese encoding )

From: Jonathan Byrne - 3Web <>
Subject: Re: tlug: Emacs 20.2 and Japanese encoding
Date: Sat, 5 Sep 1998 14:35:14 +0900 (JST)

> Long time no see!  

Yes.  It is good to hear from you.  I'm still in the U.S., but might
be able to attend the next nomikai. 

I solved the problem by forcing the language to Japanese.  I had assumed
it did this automatically when I loaded Canna, but it didn't.  

The key line in the .emacs file is

  (set-language-environment 'Japanese)

What this means is that there is an elisp function called
"set-language-environment" that accepts one variable and the variable
that I pass it is the string "Japanese."

I suspect that this loads some library that does the automatic conversions
and also looks for variables like
I'm speculating that without the language-environment being set to non-nil,
emacs ignores the buffer-file-coding-system.

> I don't have a clue about how to fix your problem, but I
> was intrigued by one of the encodings you mentioned:
> On Fri, 4 Sep 1998, Craig Oda wrote:
> >iso-2022-cjk-unix

I'm not sure about this.  There was a similar bit of interesting info
with CJK LaTeX and CJK latex2html.  However, I haven't go these to work.
I think that Emacs can display Korean, Chinese, and Japanese on the same
screen right now. Can't it?


Next Nomikai: 18 September, 19:30 Tengu TokyoEkiMae 03-3275-3691
Next Meeting: 10 October, Tokyo Station Yaesu central gate 12:30
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