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tlug: RE: Books

Speaking along this topic, I'm planning on making an order sometime in the
next few days, and I need a suggestion.  Is anyone familiar with either any
of the following books that could make a suggestion?

     Windows Nt & Unix Integration Guide (Windows Nt Professional Library)
     by David Gunter, Steven Burnett, Lola Gunter, Burnett R. Gunter Gunter 
     Osborne McGraw-Hill (September 1997)

     Windows Nt & Unix : Administration, Coexistence, Integration &
     by G. Robert Williams, Ellen Beck Gardner 
     Addison-Wesley Pub Co (March 1998) 

     Windows NT and UNIX Integration
     by Gene Henriksen 
     MacMillan Techincal Pub (May 1998) 

Judging my contents-listings available, the topics covered seem fairly
similiar, but obviously, the one most applicable to Linux would be

Craig (

(OT: let me know privately if anyone would like me to throw an extra book or
two on the order and divide up costs later...)

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