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tlug: Why use Linux? (was: Caldera)

Scott Stone wrote:
> .. but does that install things like make, gcc, yacc, flex, binutils,
> etc. that you'd need to compile packages that you download from the net?
> Or is it set up more to be a use-the-canned-binaries-type desktop
> environment?

> If it's the latter, you might as well just use Windows - you'd get the
> same functionality but you'd have a wider range of software to run.
> Running Linux for the sake of saying that you're running Linux isn't
> really the point, now, is it?

I would have to say that I strongly disagree with this comment.  Let
me see if I can paraphrase your comment:

"The only reason to use Linux over The Other OS(tm) is because 
you can compile your own applications.  As far as security, performance,
reliability, networking, remote access, et. al. The Other OS(tm) is at
least as good as Linux, if not better than Linux."

When stated that way, I think you can agree with me.


Andrew Drapp


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