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Re: [Lingo] Usage of "as such"

Keith Bawden writes:
 > On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 5:50 PM, Hung Nguyen Vu
 > <> wrote:
 > > Can I say,
 > >
 > > Akihabara and the *places like that* maybe a danger for foreign tourists.
 > > Akihabara and the place as such maybe a danger for foreign tourists.
 > >
 > > It would be nice if you provide some example with "as such".
 > Akihabara and places like that maybe a danger for foreign tourists,
 > _as such_ they should stay away!
 > There is an example of "as such" for you.

Here "as such" has the semantics "because they are foreigh tourists
[they should stay away]".  Is that what you intended?

Here's another example:

    Akihabara is a place that attracts large crowds, and as such may
    be subject to random acts of violence.

In Japanese I'd probably use こそ to capture the connotations of "as


(I admit that 「こそには」 is a leetle beet 文法的にあやしい kedo....)

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