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Re: [tlug] Hardware Problem: Check for Bulged Caps (was Re: Home Hardware Problem -- Please Check My Findings)

jep200404 wrote:
CL wrote:

I think I have developed a need for a new motherboard ...
A bad motherboard is just one of the possibilities for your grief. 
You're just trying to cheer me up, I can tell.

When someone says that after they did x, then the thing did not work, the obvious thing to say is to go back to what they had before. It's likely that you can not go back to the old OS.
Actually, I can.  The "old" OS is Kubuntu 9.04 and it's still on the 
320Gb IDE HDD I removed.  I _did_ try exchanging HDDs but still no 
video, so I don't know if anything is different.
So, try booting a Knoppix 5.1.1 CD (even though below you swapped the HDD successfully).
Same issue with no video.  I tried a Knoppix CD as well as a Kubuntu and 
Xubuntu Live CD but nothing got the video working.
Also try swapping the power supply.
Good idea.  Will try that in the a.m. ... or next time I am left alone 
by wife an daughter for 30 minutes.  People keep wandering in and 
telling me I am on vacation until Thursday, so take the family 
somewhere.  Every time I look out the window at the main road, I want to 
go hide under the bed.
You might indeed have a bad motherboard. You might also have a bad power supply or even some incompatibility between the new OS and your motherboard.
The 2.8GHz machine uses the same motherboard and Xubuntu has been 
running on it for aver six weeks.
Visually inspect the motherboard and power supply for bulged capacitors. This is _still_ a common problem.
Yes, I did that.  I also went over all of them with an illuminated 
magnifying glass.
Be sure to disconnect your power supply from the power input and wait a few minutes before opening the power supply. Things are often crowded inside power supplies. Don't force anything. If you become frustrated, walk away and try away later. (I.e, Be patient and gentle.)
Ummm ... I also wrench my own motorcycles, so know to be wary of caps. 
Seems as though everyone has a story about the one time they melted a 
screwdriver into slag, but not everyone has burn scars.  We're the ones 
who knew about leather or rubber gloves and holding on tightly to the 
plastic handle ...
Thank you  ... and Curt and Sach for all of the advice.  IBM 
motherboards are modular, so the only need for a screwdriver is to 
remove / replace the CPU heat sink ... and the four screws that hold in 
the power supply.  everything else is just snapping a locator pin into 
place of plugging and unplugging.

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